14 March 2015

Friends Send Me ... Camel Things (1)

My friends send me things. Going by that, you'd think the world was awash in camels. OKKKK, maybe only Australia. I love them all and am so grateful they are electronic things not taking up space in my place, thank you very much for that. There had to be a stop to the overflowing trinkets!

Some gifties have been acknowledged already (among others, from Elayne and dear wicked Sheri). Several alert people sent me the popular video tethered-camel-bites-stupid-man-throwing-him-to-the-ground-probably-breaking-some-bones and dozens sent me the lonely Google camel. This shot is particularly nice because it's allegedly in the UAE's Liwa desert, one of the drops I crave in my bucket.
Ruth spotted a restaurant in Fort Wayne. Imagine in Indiana. Judy sent a Scottish pub sign; must have been a warm day in Edinburgh.

I cribbed this from my FB friend Doug for no good reason except I lost the reference to Tammy's camel lying in the middle of a Quebec road. That was to make up for the baby llama photo she sent by mistake (but Tammy, the baby was darling anyway).
No idea now who sent me this.
This is apparently a Dutch camel.
If you thought some of those were odd, England has its (serious) share. John found this (at TNA of course), shades of Empire!
And this just in from Leigh in Sheffield instant word-association (it wasn't even Wednesday), bravo! We query whether an image might simply do the job here.

That's likely enough for now, more in the wings. I've spared you a repeat of the fabulous Geico video ad that went viral but maybe you didn't see the sequel:

Two camels were standing together when one of them said,
"Eric, why do we have these big humps on our backs?"
Pleased to be asked, Eric answers,
"That’s where we store our body fat, that’s what gives us the strength and stamina to carry on for weeks at a time when we march out onto the burning desert sands."
"Oh! alright, but how about these funny curly eyelashes, what do we have them for?"
Glad to share his knowledge Eric answers,
"We have them to protect our eyes from the violent sand storms that descend on us when we are out in the barren wilderness that is the scorching desert?"
OK," Looking down he asks," But why do we need these big flat feet?"
"We need them to keep our footing when we walk on the shifting sand dunes out in the treacherous desert? But tell me Dennis, why all the questions?"
Dennis answers with a shrug, "I was just wondering what we're doing in Melbourne zoo!"

© 2015 Brenda Dougall Merriman

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